The avian specimens at Randolph College form a major portion of the natural history collections. Early bird skins have direct ties to notable 19th- and early 20th-century scientists and collectors, and derive from important private collections as well as the Smithsonian. Recent additions have expanded the range of local species represented in the collections.
The project to digitize our bird collections was generously funded through a grant from the Virginia Academy of Science.
The catalogs are sorted by taxonomic order. Select the relevant order to view the catalog listings for species within that order:
- Apterygiformes (Kiwi)
- Sphenisciformes (Emperor Penguin)
- Anseriformes (Geese, Swans, and Ducks)
- Galliformes (Bobwhites, Chukar, Fowl, Pheasants, Grouse)
- Gaviiformes (Loons)
- Podicipediformes (Grebes)
- Suliformes (Cormorants)
- Pelecaniformes (Herons and Egrets)
- Accipitriformes (Vultures, Eagles, Hawks)
- Falconiformes (Kestrels)
- Gruiformes (Moorhens, Gallinules, Coots, Cranes)
- Charadriiformes (Shore birds)
- Columbiformes (Pigeons and Doves)
- Psittaciformes (Parrots and Parakeets)
- Cuculiformes (Cuckoos)
- Strigiformes (Owls)
- Caprimulgiformes (Nighthawks)
- Apodiformes (Swifts, Hummingbirds)
- Coraciiformes (Motmots, Kingfishers)
- Piciformes (Puffbirds, Woodpeckers)
- Passeriformes: Tyrannidae
- Passeriformes: Laniidae
- Passeriformes: Corvids
- Passeriformes: Larks
- Passeriformes: Swallows
- Passeriformes: Tits
- Passeriformes: Nuthatches
- Passeriformes: Wrens
- Passeriformes: Kinglets
- Passeriformes: Bluebirds, Thrushes, Blackbirds, Fieldfares, Veerys, Robins
- Passeriformes: Catbirds, Mockingbirds, Thrashers
- Passeriformes: Starlings
- Passeriformes: Cedar waxwings
- Passeriformes: Snow buntings
- Passeriformes: Warblers, Chats
- Passeriformes: Tanagers
- Passeriformes: Sparrows, Juncos
- Passeriformes: Cardinals, Grosbeaks, Buntings
- Passeriformes: Meadowlarks, Grackles, Orioles, Caciques, Oropendola, Cowbirds
- Passeriformes: Finches, Evening grosbeaks
- Passeriformes: House sparrows
- Passeriformes: Quelea
We also retain a separate collection of approximately 300 specimens which belonged to Walter A. Weber (1906-1979), a scientific illustrator for the Field Museum, National Geographic, and the Smithsonian, among others. Click on the link below to read more about Weber’s work and his remarkable collection of birds: